B A Morton
Author and creator of dark worlds
Who's Who
The Widening Gyre has some interesting and complex characters. I thought it might be helpful if I described the main ones:
Kayne – A young Guardian falsely accused of theft and exiled from the Order
High Tas Ander – Head of the Guardians
Marshall Orey – Military commander of the Guardians, reports to the High Tas
Decal mat Mirres – Senior Warden in the Guardian
Queen Maelyss mat Qarell – Queen of Iteriar
Jarin mat Furres – Queen Maelyss’ consort and commander of the Queen’s Protectors
Lady Ysmay mat Qarell – Queen Maelyss’ daughter and Heir
Marshall Dyne – Commander of the Iterian militia
Joules Courcy - Travelling court bard and a fluxer, originally from Arbresse
Fabio Vescorro Caprianno – Prince of Mondorro
Ria – A member of the Assassins’ Guild and a fluxer
Ice – Ria’s mentor in the Assassins’ Guild
Vakhr Haxo – Dominate of the One God, commander of the Eyes of God in Ataxa
Avtuk Xhao – Voice of God, supreme head of the church of the One God in Ataxa